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RSS Nighthawk

Reward Points:6
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Then it would be your responsibility to clarify what your children can/cannot watch/play, especially if you know what kind of parents they are (what their style of parenting is). So, again, that is all up to the parent and their skills as a parent. Your child. Your responsibility.

1 point

In Basketball, you are trying to get the ball in the hoop, just as in Hockey, when you try to get the puck in the net. Compared to each other, each sport is the same in it's basic principles. Each side has a goal to get the "ball" to the goal point while preventing the other team from accomplishing the same goal. I think it's unfair to say one sport takes less or more skill than another, especially if you don't have experience in both fields/activities. Both sports are complex, but I think hockey is better because it's more fun to watch. The speed, the brutality, and the crowd, fuels the game and the passion and strength noticeably reek in the air. I just think it's more exciting.

1 point

No, I shouldn't matter what you look like physically, as long as it is professional, it should have no effect on whether or not we obtain a job. That's not what the interview is about. It should be about a persons work ethic and experience and character., not petty things such as personal appearance/ or physical choices. How you present yourself is important too but, you can still be professional with piercings/tattoos/unnatural hair color.

1 point

I don't believe that video games/TV cause violence (at least not high enough on charts to be noticabley changing) there are plenty of games/TV shows that are non-violent or have safe/block settings to turn off blood and restrict certain, parts of games/TV shows. The video game/TV violence debate, is ridiculous and is just a poor excuse for bad parenting. If you pay attention and control what your children watch/play you won't have to worry about the chance of video games/TV causing these violent tendencies, and chances are if your child is acting up, these issues have already been fermenting beneath the surface.

1 point

I believe that students should be able to carry their backpacks with them if they wish. We have a very limited passing period in between classes and we are expected to go to our lockers/ get a drink/ go to the bathroom, before we go to class, in a three minute, or less, passing time. I also don't believe backpacks would be a hazard as long as you keep them under your desk/ on your desk/ on the back of your chair; It's really not that hard, or at least it shouldn't be.

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