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RSS Youngchozen

Reward Points:5
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Shut up. That's the most lame excuse I've ever heard. Feeding a bunch of lies to try to get yourself a couple extra minutes in between classes. If a person can't walk 100 feet in 3 minutes than that is there own fault. You could crawl that far easily in that amount of time. And being safe.... People could store weapons inside of their bag and no one would know. We could all be sitting in class while someone has a bomb in a bag and we would never know. Your argument is garbage and backpacks should be not allowed due to safety. Lame excuses and you clearly have no idea what you are saying, why did you even comment on this because it clearly was a waste of your time and you are not convincing everyone. Educate yourself next time son before you try to pull this off. Drop the Mic.

Young Chozen aka Young Get Em out

1 point

Classes need to be weighed. An individual could have much more intelligence than another but his or her GPA may not show it because of the differences in classes. A person could be denied access to get into things like NHS or some college programs because of thier GPA going down due to taking harder classes whereas someone else could take much easier classes and get in. A person could take classes like woods and quilting and have a 4.0 GPA while another could take college level classes and work much harder and only get a B bringing down their GPA, when in fact they could be much more intelligent. Kids taking college level courses or advanced high school classes should get much more credit than kids who take easy high school classes

1 point

People should be allowed to fly the confederate flag. It is a right of the individual. Whether it is right or wrong that's a choice of opinion but they have the right to be able to do it. It may stand for something that others don't agree with but that's how life works. No body agrees with everyone. They might say by taking it away would take away rights and history. And as of now that is correct. They have the right to be able to fly it.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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