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Reward Points:5
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't think video games cause violence, if you are violent that's you. You can't blame it on something else.

1 point

Basketball is a more popular sport than hockey. Hockey can't be played everywhere but basketball can, yes you might like hockey better but it is still not as popular as basketball

1 point

You make a good point but since college classes are not on the same level as high school classes they should get the same credit. It's not about the people who don't take those classes getting less credit because they shouldn't, but if they get the same credit there shouldn't be class rankings

1 point

I think that classes should be waved because some students only take easy classes and get on the honor roll. Colleges look at things like your GPA and class ranking. So When a student is taking really hard college classes or even just harder classes and gets B's they will be ranked lower than the student who only takes easy classes. I think that if they don't weigh classes they shouldn't even have things like the honor roll or the top in the class. Weighing the classes will help the kids that are stressing out about their GPA dropping because they aren't doing as good because of the hard classes they are taking. I know people who's GPA's used to be 4.0's but they took a lot of hard college classes and then the person who is ranked number 1 out of the grade has barley taken any hard classes.

Winning Position: Unresolved

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