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1 point

Nowadays, there is increase number of college were built. At the same time, more and more students choose go to college. Rank in the college shows how is your study going and how hard work you make. So I agree that colleges should give a rank of students.

First of all, rank is like a competetion to push students go up. College resemble a small social circle. In this condition, you can practice yourself and get great experiences. Rank is a good stuff to help you to know which level you are. Then find your position and exceed others who in front of you.Secondly, rank can show you clearly and easy to find your standard of study. Someone thinks rank will damp students' initiative. But if you don't defeat storm how can you meet rainbow? Rank like a rock to help you grow up.

In a word, rank of students has lots of benefits for students in colleges. We should attempt to give a rank of students. That will make students improve vastly.

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